Electrical Service
An Electrical Service Upgrade in Coral Springs from Parkland Electric Installation is reliable and reasonably priced. We started our business in 1998 and have since then gained a stellar reputation that we work hard to maintain. If you want to install a new air conditioner or new outlet or you just want to protect your equipment than an upgrade is an excellent choice for you. An electrical upgrade is especially beneficial if your property is older and you've never had an upgrade or replacement.
For an Electrical Service Upgrade in Coral Springs that can be provided by a reputable business, choose Parkland Electric Installation. Our highly experienced team will assist you with your upgrade, and you can choose us with confidence since we are licensed, bonded, and insured. If you have a home or other property that is 20 to 30 years old without an upgrade, you can greatly benefit from our service upgrade. You will be very pleased with our reliable service upgrades, competitive rates, and excellent customer service.
Our team can work around the clock to complete the most complex and extensive projects. Our dedicated team of electricians can help with retail, corporate, hospitals, schools and much more. We take pride in our workmanship and customer service for all type of electrical projects including new panel electrical installation and electrical panel service upgrades for residential, commercial and industrial.

There are lots of electrical contractors out there, but not all electricians do their work equally well.